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Product Manager | Safety & PPE

  One of my favorite aspects of my job is getting to see our customers' products in grocery stores and knowing that I was a small piece of the puzzle to get the product produced safely.  

After growing up on a dairy farm, it was only natural that Courtney would wind up back in the dairy and food processing industry.

As a product manager at Nelson-Jameson, Courtney manages products in the Respiratory Protection, Protective Clothing, Footwear, and Facility Identification categories. She helps decide which products to set up and when to retire them. She also works very closely with the Nelson Jameson sales team and its suppliers to keep a pulse on the market and making sure the organization is staying relevant to its customers.

Courtney works with the Nelson-Jameson sales team to bring the best prices to customers and helps bridge the gap between customers and suppliers in helping find solutions for any issues that arise.

Courtney has a BS in Family and Consumer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and has also worked in community outreach as an AmeriCorps member.

She has appeared in publications such as ISHN and has participated in a webinar for slip resistance in footwear for Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association of which she is a member.

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