Monthly Archives: April 2010

- April 23, 2010
Taking pride in a job and the Company you work for is important. While others on the outside may look and see a food and dairy supply company, we on the inside see a family-owned business full of history, tradition, and an abundance of pride on our accomplishments.
Sixty some years ago, Earl Nelson, his father T.C., and two other investors (Herb Jameson and Bob Dougherty) founded a dairy equipment and supply firm and named it Nelson-Jameson. While three of the investors choose to pursue other business ventures, Earl had enough faith in his business model and his abilties to continue to follow his dreams.
As the years passed, Earl's vision for Nelson-Jameson was to be a "one-stop" supply source for cheeesemakers and other food processors.
- April 12, 2010
Available in Buna, Viton, EPDM, Teflon, and Silicone, color-coded gaskets can be manufactured in virtually any color for virtually any application. Color coded gasket programs are a great way to manage and monitor your plant maintenance schedules.
Annual color changes will allow your maintenance and production employees to immediately determine when the last time a gasket was changed as soon as the clamp is removed, making missed gaskets obvious. Color-coded programs help to ensure that gaskets are changed out regularly and that your piping connections are securely sealed to reduce the risk of leaks and product loss.
Color coded gaskets can also be used for designating production/product lines. Especially in congested piping configurations, complete line gasket changes become faster and easier. Employees can immediately see if they are working on the correct line based on the gasket color.
Interested in implementing a color coded gasket program? Call our customer