Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Wisconsin

For more than 100 years, the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters has been to improve the lives of children, providing them with mentorship, guidance, and positive interaction.

In 1902, a court clerk named Ernest Coulter had noticed more and more boys coming through the court system. Concerned about their well-being and safety, Ernest set out to find volunteers to help keep them out of trouble. Ladies of Charity, later known as Catholic Big Sister of New York, befriended young girls for the same purposes. Both organizations merged in 1977 to become Big Brothers Big Sisters of America—with the mission of creating and supporting one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Financial contributions help fund the careful one-to-one matching as well as the ongoing professional mentoring support the organization is built upon.

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Our mission

The Nelson-Jameson Foundation (NJF) is focused on supporting philanthropic organizations that enhance our core value as a Golden Rule Company. Grants are targeted toward charitable programs that are related to the food and dairy industries or support charities that are important to Nelson-Jameson employees and the communities in which they reside.