Times are changing and so is the food industry. After reading, “Food is Changing in 2011” by Diane Troops and Dave Fusaro, it made me realize the massive amounts of progress and projects that have occurred in the food industry lately. Here is a list of the on-goings that Troops and Fusaro brought to light.
- Food Safety Modernization Act
- More encompassing food guidelines to combat obesity
- A child nutrition reauthorization bill mandating healthier school meals
- Higher commodity prices
- Stronger private-label competition
- New consumer behaviors
These colossal changes will most definitely have an effect on the food industry and have already started to show through. At Nelson-Jameson, we are always trying to stay up to date with the newest information and laws, so we are able help out our customers the best way possible. Whether it is new audit guidelines requiring revamped signage, paperwork and supplies for HACCP or SQF, or other items needed to comply with the ever-changing regulations-We are here to help.
If you want to read more in depth about the 2011 events that Troops and Fusaro listed, please read the whole article at http://www.readoz.com/publication/read?i=1032846#page22