pest control

- April 24, 2022
A pest control plan is necessary within all food processing facilities. The key to controlling pests is through prevention, defense, and management measures. As warmer weather approaches, it is the perfect time to check your insect electrocutor units to make sure they are working properly, and to do an annual bulb change. This is also a prime time to review your overall pest control program.
We know controlling pests is a challenge. This is why we have a diverse line of Pest Control Products. From insect elimination products and insecticides, to foggers and rodent control—we have everything you need to help keep pests out of your plant.
- October 09, 2020
Ahhh yes, my favorite time of year, fall! The leaves are changing, the temperature is starting to cool down, and pests are trying to wither their way indoors. As the colder months start to approach, it's important to realize that fall pest control is a must! Although pest control is essential for all seasons of the year, it is very important to prep your food processing facility for the winter.
The key to controlling pests is through prevention, defense, and management measures. It's important to know the calling signs of each of the categories of pests, so you can determine what products you will need for each. For insects, birds, and rodents, there are many similar calling signs, these include; droppings, visual sightings, eggs/hatchlings, noise, etc. When there is suspicion of pests present in your facility, it is important to do a thorough inspection of both the interior and exterior of the facility to determine the issue.
- February 03, 2016
Pest control certainly doesn’t top the list of most people’s passions in life. In the food industry though, there is no avoiding the consistent threat to human health and to your operation’s success that pests pose on a relentless, daily basis. This reality motivates us at Nelson-Jameson to be passionate about keeping our customers supplied with the right tools for the right pest control jobs.
We recently mailed out our newest Pest Control Products Sale Flyer featuring an array of products that can help keep you on top of your pest control regiment. You’ll find sales pricing on an array of products including Shat-R-Shield bulbs and Insect-O-Cutor units. Keep an eye out for the flyer in your mailbox or take a look at a PDF version right here. To browse our extended selection of pest control products click
- February 11, 2015
For those of you in states buried under several feet of snow, navigating slippery roads, or simply trying to remember what the sun looks like, it may be hard to fathom, but warm weather is around the corner!
Along with picnics, baseball, vacations, and relief from seasonal affective disorder, spring and summer come along with some uninvited guests: a myriad of pests. In all fairness, cockroaches, flies, rodents, etc. are threats to food safety operations all year but with warmer weather food operations often see additional challenges when it comes to managing pests.
A good pest control program takes a good deal of planning and proper maintenance. Before the warmer weather hits, it might not hurt to examine your current program and anticipate the needs for your operation. Where to start though? Well, don’t “wing it.”
The following free sources provide some good, introductory insight into Pest Control in food processing environments: