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Ā­Ā­The Nelson Family of Companies

Labor & Human Rights Policy


The following encompasses and is applicable to the Nelson Family of Companies, including both Nelson-Jameson, Inc. and NEXT Logistics, and all employees therewithin. The Labor & Human Rights Policy is set, maintained, and measured by our Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Task Force, the management team, Employee Experience, and regulatory department, in consultation with the Board of Directors.  The Labor & Human Rights Policy is reviewed every two years.  

We believe firmly in the need for our employees to feel safe, supported, and empowered in a secure, welcoming work environment and as part of our family of companies.  We also firmly believe in demanding the same of our supplier partners.  Referencing ISO 2600 Standards, and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we have developed the following core areas of focus.


Employee Health & Safety in the Workplace

Nelson-Jameson and Next Logistics put the good health, well-being, welfare, & safety of our employees as a core, absolute priority.  We strive to not only comply with all applicable safety & health laws and requirements, but through continuous improvement, proactively identify and remediate potential hazards, and concerns. As dictated by the UN Universal Declaration, ā€œJust and favorable conditions of workā€ are a right for all workers, and our companies are committed to ensuring this absolute, including a target of 1.75 TRIR, and 0.75 LTIR.                                                                   


Career Management & Training

The Nelson Family of Companies Training & Development Policy has been developed in line with our overall vision and strategy. It reflects a belief in the need to develop all employees, whether employed on a full-time or part-time basis. Training and development is intended to provide employees with the skills, knowledge, and an understanding to enable them to grow. Training typically comes from IT, Regulatory Affairs, and Employee Experience.

In order to keep the organization in compliance with entities such as SQF, OSHA, Workerā€™s Compensation, and other organizations, the training and development that is assigned to each employee is required. Therefore, employees must consider assigned training and development as part of their regular duties. Yearly, we will target a total of 1500 hours of essential training and development hours for our employees.   


Child Labor, Forced Labor & Human Trafficking

The Nelson Family of Companies and the United States Government prohibit trafficking in persons. The U.S. Governmentā€™s policy prohibiting trafficking in persons is available at 48 CFR Ā§ 52.222-50.

The Nelson Family of Companies is committed to a work environment that is free from human trafficking and slavery, which for purposes of this policy includes forced labor and unlawful child labor. The Nelson Family of Companies will not tolerate or condone human trafficking or slavery in any part of the organization.

The Nelson Family of Companies employees, subsidiaries, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, partners, and others through whom The Nelson Family of Companies conducts business must avoid complicity in any practice that constitutes trafficking in persons or slavery. NFC will target the following to ensure sustainable supplier practices: 95% of employees complete yearly awareness & identification training on forced labor/human trafficking; and that 95% of active suppliers have received our Sustainable Procurement Policy.    


Diversity, Discrimination, & Harassment

Diversity: We encourage and welcome diversity, recognizing it as a key competitive advantage. The value of different backgrounds and perspectives will not be overlooked. Having a diverse workforce assists us in looking at all situations from a variety of angles and encourages the development of innovative ideas and solutions. Embracing and understanding what each employeeā€™s background and perspective can contribute, gives us a competitive edge.

Discrimination & Harassment: The Nelson Family of Companies is committed to providing a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Therefore, The Nelson Family of Companies will not tolerate harassment of any type based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity), national origin, age, disability, or genetic information, and other characteristics protected under state, federal, or local laws. Such conduct in any form is prohibited in the workplace, at work-related functions, or outside of work if it affects employees in the workplace. This policy applies to all employees, clients, customers, guests, vendors, and persons doing business with The Nelson Family of Companies.