HACCP Defenderâ„¢ Boot Sanitizing Station

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Product Details
Food processors can now have a tool for controlling pathogens and reducing cross-contamination. The HACCP Defender automatic boot sanitizing station utilizes the proven efficacy of Alpet® D2 Surface Sanitizer in areas where where pathogen reduction and moisture control is critical.
• One-way, walk through design supports traffic flow and improves pathogen reduction.
• Fine atomized mist provides ample coverage to boot soles while reducing chemical waste and controlling moisture.
• Adjustable output for optimal volume control.
• Infrared sensors control doors and sprayers.
• Fresh Alpet D2 Surface Sanitizer with application.
• Stainless steel construction
Play the video below to see the unit in use.
• One-way, walk through design supports traffic flow and improves pathogen reduction.
• Fine atomized mist provides ample coverage to boot soles while reducing chemical waste and controlling moisture.
• Adjustable output for optimal volume control.
• Infrared sensors control doors and sprayers.
• Fresh Alpet D2 Surface Sanitizer with application.
• Stainless steel construction
Play the video below to see the unit in use.