Process Systems Repair Parts

Keep your plant running smoothly.
Nelson-Jameson has a tremendous selection of pumps, valves, fittings, parts, and other processing accessories available. With our fast, accurate shipping and our knowledgeable process systems staff, we'll get you want you want when you need it.
Not only do we offer a wide line of new pumps and valves, but we can take your damaged, tired, or old items and either repair or exchange them for you. There are two repair/refurbish programs that customers can sign up for with Nelson-Jameson:
1. Repair Exchange Program: customers send in their damaged item and in return receive a new item at a reduced price. Such items include:
• Valve Stems
• Back plates
• Actuators
• Impellers
2. Refurbish/Repair Your Parts: rather than purchasing a new item at reduced costs, customer can have their items repaired. Items in this category include:
• Rotors
• Back plates
• Pump casings
• Valves
• Valve stems
• Gauges
• Thermometers
Call Nelson-Jameson today at (800) 826-8302 to sign up for the Repair Exchange or Refurbish/Repair Program, or to speak to one of our process specialists to help with your application.