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Create New Customer Account


Create New Customer Account | Quick Guide Steps:

  1. Click the “Sign Up” link under “Log in to place an order. Don’t have an account? Sign up” on the banner on the homepage.
  2. Fill in all of the fields on the “Create New Customer Account” page, including the fields in the “Optional Information” section of the page.
  3. In the “Account #” field enter in your Nelson-Jameson account number. Then, in the “Shipping Zip Code” field, enter in your company's shipping zip code.
    (If you do not have a Nelson-Jameson account number, you may leave these fields blank.)
  4. Click the “Create an account” button.

Create New Customer Account | Step-by-Step Directions

1. Click the “Sign Up” link under “Log in to place an order. Don’t have an account? Sign up” on the banner on the homepage.

Click the “Sign Up” link under “Log in to place an order. Don’t have an account? Sign up” on the banner on the homepage.Click the “Sign Up” link under “Log in to place an order. Don’t have an account? Sign up” on the banner on the homepage.


2. Fill in all of the fields on the “Create New Customer Account” page, including the fields in the “Optional Information” section of the page.

Create new customer account formCreate new customer account form


  1. In the “Account #” field enter in your Nelson-Jameson account number. Then, in the “Shipping Zip Code” field, enter in your company's shipping zip code.

    • If you do not have a Nelson-Jameson account number, you may leave these fields blank.
Type in account number and shipping zip codeType in account number and shipping zip code


  1. Click the "Create an Account" button.
Click create an account buttonClick create an account button


If you require further assistance, please reach out to our web support team at websupport@nelsonjameson.com