Artisan & Farmstead
Partner with Delvotest®
Delvotest® antibiotic residue tests from dsm-firmenich are perfect for artisan and farmstead cheese and dairy processing applications. Delvotest® confidently detects the broadest spectrum of antibiotics in milk and meets the required antibiotic testing requirements for every state in the U.S. Delvotest P® is approved by the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) for the testing of bovine, goat, and water buffalo milk.
Compared to other antibiotic residue tests on the market, Delvotest® provides low initial start-up costs. Nelson-Jameson offers a promotional start-up kit with everything you need to get started. Ask a product manager today for more details!
Partner With Delvotest®
Your business depends on accurate antibiotic residue testing. Passing antibiotic-contaminated milk through your end products can be costly and devastating. The health of a newly purchased dairy cow, the reliability of previous test methods and results, and changing state requirements are all uncertainties you face. When you partner with Delvotest®, you know you are testing for the broadest spectrum of antibiotics. You know you can trust your business to Delvotest® results.
Recommended for artisan & farmstead applications:
Delvotest® P Mini (25 tests/kit)
Delvotest® P is the original version of our broad-spectrum milk antibiotic test.
- Detects the broadest spectrum of antibiotics
- Easy to use and cost-effective
- Requires the use of a Delvotest® incubator
- Accurate results in 2-1/2 hours
- Results are indicated by color
- Self-contained kits, except for the required block heater
Each kit contains:
- Individual plastic ampoules containing Bacillus stearothermophilus (in a solid medium)
- Nutrient tablets
- Dosing syringe
- Disposable pipets
- Tweezers
- Instructions