Ensuring the proper application and removal of lids is paramount for preserving the longevity of your buckets and lids while maintaining the secure containment of contents. Incorrectly applied lids pose a risk of product loss. The precise application of lids not only safeguards the contents from potential contamination but also plays a crucial role in preventing spills or leaks. Consistent adherence to correct application and removal procedures not only extends the lifespan of the containers but also contributes to overall operational efficiency, minimizing the likelihood of product wastage and ensuring a reliable containment system for your valuable goods.

Ensure Lids are Applied Correctly

  1.  Place your filled bucket on a flat, steady surface.
  2. Set your lid on top of the bucket, lining up the gasket with the
    bucket rim.
  3. Place your hand on the top of the lid to steady the bucket, then strongly start striking the edge of the lid with a mallet.
    *Always use a mallet or a dead blow hammer to apply the lid, using your hand or foot alone could cause an injury.
  4. Alternate sides of the lid, striking a new place each time.
  5. Check the lid tightness by feeling around the edge, the lid should feel smooth to the touch.
Collage of pails and lids Collage of pails and lids

How to Remove a Bucket Lid

*To avoid damaging the lid, or hurting yourself, it is recommended to use a lid removal tool.

  1. Place the front hook under the lid and press down.
  2. Continue this motion around the circumference of the lid, and it will remove easily.

By following these easy tips, you can guarantee you will be able to remove your lids correctly and safely.

Opening a pail with a lid removal toolOpening a pail with a lid removal tool

Information provided by: US Plastic Corp. (USP)

Shop our line of Buckets, Lids, Mallets, and Openers.