Did you know that one of the most common food safety concerns reported to the FDA was undeclared allergens in food? Since the implementation of the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA), consumers have had much of the guesswork taken out of the equation, thanks to the industry’s use of allergen statements and easier-to-read nutrition and ingredients labeling procedures.
Still, the problem persists, a problem that produces mild to severe reactions, and can even lead to death. These reactions are sometimes caused by trace amounts of allergens, making the situation even more challenging. According to the Mayo Clinic, a common cause for allergic reactions from food products, even with the labeling systems in place, comes from cross contamination. When food is exposed to “unintended” ingredients in food industry production, allergic reactions can be triggered. Obviously, though unintended, these ingredients can be extremely dangerous to some consumers.
One way to combat unintended ingredients is to test your product. Nelson Jameson stocks both Neogen’s Reveal® and Rapid 3-D™ allergen test kits. Reveal® kits require no refrigeration and have an easy-to-read one or two line test readout. One line indicates a negative test and two lines means there is at least 5ppm of the allergen in question. The Reveal® kits are available for milk detection and peanut detection.
The Rapid 3-D™ kits are great for “onsite” detection, when an accurate measurement on the spot is needed. Using a rapid lateral flow method, the test takes only ten minutes and requires no additional equipment. For more information on how to combat this major food safety issue, and to find what allergen testing supplies would best fit your operation, email Cathy Laube at 1-800-826-8302 or visit our website.