- October 25, 2021
The score everyone wants to achieve for any “test” we have taken (from grade school through post-secondary education) is 100%. One Hundred is also the score that any company involved with the Safe Quality Food (SQF) standard wants to achieve.
But…What does 100% mean in SQF?
Does it mean that your company is doing everything right? What is involved in getting that score? What does it take to maintain it?
First, congratulations on becoming SQF certified. Learning the SQF code and preparing your facility takes time. On average it’s about 6 months from the time a company opts into the program until the time they earn the certification. Much of this time is spent preparing for the audit through paperwork trails and training programs. The audit itself is a very short process in and of itself. The average audit is only 2-3 days; which means a company is preparing for the audit the other 362 days of the year.
- April 07, 2021
Ah, the beauty and purity of a new cleaning tool. Freshly removed from any packaging, and unsullied by the elements: nothing but possibility ahead of it. Whether you enjoy opening new tools as much as I apparently do, or you are more in the “pop it open, because there is a ton of stuff to do” camp, there are a few tips that our friends from Remco have provided to get the best out of your new cleaning tool. These simple steps help to ensure safety before the first use.
How to Prepare a New Cleaning Tool for Use
New cleaning tools—especially those sealed in plastic pouches like the ones from Vikan® and Remco—often look like they’re ready for use right out - July 02, 2013
To amend a famous phrase: "Nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes...and pathogens." That is right. These tenacious little trouble makers are constantly knocking at our doors in the food industry. It is hard not to resent their tenacity and the ill effects they bring with them on a daily basis. However, there is hope! Get ready to give our microscopic mischief makers the boot!
A new tool in the fight against pathogens called the “HACCP Defender Boot Sanitizing System” will have your employees lining up to focus on this very issue. The HACCP Defender is a walk-in station that utilizes the proven power of Alpet D2 Surface Sanitizer to thoroughly treat employees' boots before they walk into critical areas of your operation.
The HAACP Defender uses infrared sensors to operate control doors and sprayers, that combined are designed to ensure boots get a thorough application of ALPET D2. Featuring stainless steel construction, the walk-in design