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Food Processing Ingredients Specialists

Nelson-Jameson helps ensure that food processing plants have both the ingredients they need and the support from our ingredients specialists to ensure that they are creating the best possible products for their consumers. 

Get the right mix with our ingredients experts

Recipes are a blend of art and science with unique challenges. Our ingredients specialists are here to help you tackle those challenges and ensure that you’re creating the highest quality and safest products possible.

Leverage our team’s decades of experience in the food and dairy industries to help your own team get the best and most consistent results in quality, yield, flavor, body, texture, and shelf life for your concoctions. And you can be sure that our team prioritizes food safety, bio-protection, and clean labeling every step of the way.

Whether you’re creating new recipes or innovating with existing concoctions, reach out today to bring our ingredients specialists' expertise to your team and ensure you’re getting the best mix of ingredients and support.

Work with our ingredients specialists

Submit your inquiry. An ingredients specialist will contact you within one business day.

Work with Nelson-Jameson's Ingredients Specialists

Call 1-800-826-8302